Q: What comes first, action or motivation?

A: This is a question that has been asked a countless number of times. If you were to go to google and type in this exact question, in less than half of a second of search time over 2 million listings will appear.

Because this is your typical chicken or the egg type of question there are different schools of thought. For me no matter how you look at it the answer is action.

The Principle of Vibration states that:
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” -Tehuti the ancient Egyptian Master of Masters.

There has always been, there always is, and there always will be some type of action in existence. However, in order to keep things simplistic let’s look at it in relation to human productivity. Action still comes first. I learned this the hard way.  Hopefully you won’t.

Just like the spark comes before the flame, action comes before motivation. But of course if there isn’t anything flammable near the spark then there will be no fire.  So you can’t have action for very long without motivation, the flammable material. The fire is the burning desire that makes the engine go.

If you want to use the law of inertia (An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force) to your advantage you must take action.

Not motivated?  Take action.  Depressed?  Take action.  Un-inspired? Take action.  End of story.

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Al Duncan is an award-winning youth advocate, publisher, and master soft skills trainer. Get more Duncan Nuggets®...for free at www.DuncanNuggets.com.

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